International Open Access Week 2024 in Switzerland, 21.-27. October

The annual International Open Access Week is a great opportunity for the academic and research community to discuss the benefits and challenges of Open Access, exchange new ideas with colleagues, and to inspire a wider public to make OA a new norm in science and research. Each year the OA Week has a guiding theme, which in 2023 was "Community over Commercialisation". This year’s theme continues the call to put “Community over Commercialization” and prioritize approaches to open scholarship that serve the best interests of the public and the academic community.

A number of Swiss universities and libraries have joined forces to put together a wide-ranging programme of online, hybrid and local events in different formats for the OA-Week in Switzerland this year.

The participating institutions are:

New events will constantly be added to the program. Please use the Hashtag #OAWEEKCH24 on social media.


21 Oct 2024
09:00  - 09:15


Université de Genève

Public event

3 things to know about Open Access before submitting your article, in 15 minutes (online)

You are about to submit your article to a scientific journal or plan to do so soon. Are you aware of the requirements of your funder or institution? How can you meet them and still publish in the journal of your choice? And if additional…
21 Oct 2024
09:00  - 10:00

hybrid – online and on HEIG-VD Campus Cheseaux


Public event

Publier dans une revue scientifique

Venez découvrir le processus de publication scientifique : choisir la revue adéquate, les critères à considérer, les étapes de soumission d’un article et le fonctionnement du peer-review.
21 Oct 2024
10:15  - 11:15

hybrid – online and on HEIG-VD Campus Cheseaux


Public event

Publier en Open Access

Explorez les mécanismes de la publication en Open access : comprenez les distinctions entre la publication scientifique classique, le Gold Open access, le Green Open access et la voie hybride. Et surtout, découvrez comment les appliquer…
21 Oct 2024
11:00  - 14:30

vonRoll Campus

Universität Bern

Exhibition / Opening

OA Poster-Roadshow

21 Oct 2024
13:00  - 13:30

Geneva Graduate Institute

Geneva Graduate Institute

Public event

Publish in Open Access

Discover open access, the green and the gold routes, and the Read and Publish agreements of the Graduate Institute.
21 Oct 2024
16:00  - 17:00


Berner Fachhochschule

Public event

Do Open Access Publishing Agreements Work? - The Case of Top Tier Business Journals

22 Oct 2024
09:00  - 09:15


Université de Genève

Public event

Opening up your scientific contributions thanks to Creative Commons licenses (online)

In this short session, Creative Commons licences will be presented as well as the criteria for choosing the most appropriate one to share the works for which you have copyright.
22 Oct 2024
09:00  - 10:00

HEIG-VD Campus St-Roch


Public event

Jouons avec l'Open access !

Rejoignez notre session de jeu de société sur l’Open Access ! Découvrez comment la diffusion libre et gratuite des publications scientifiques révolutionne le partage des savoirs. Prêt·es à explorer cette nouvelle ère de la recherche ?
22 Oct 2024
10:15  - 10:45


Université de Genève

Public event

Faites-en plus avec l'Archive ouverte : Gagnez du temps en synchronisant l'Archive ouverte et ORCID (online)

L'Archive ouverte UNIGE est le serveur institutionnel de l'Université de Genève dans lequel tous les collaborateurs et toutes les collaboratrices de l'institution doivent déposer une copie de leurs publications depuis 2008. L'interface de…
22 Oct 2024
10:30  - 11:30

hybrid – online and on HEIG-VD Campus St-Roch


Public event

Utiliser les licences Creative Commons

Apprenez à utiliser les licences Creative Commons pour faciliter la diffusion légale de la recherche scientifique tout en respectant le droit d’auteur. Cette formation vous expliquera leur fonctionnement et leur application pratique.

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