International Open Access Week 2024 in Switzerland, 21.-27. October

The annual International Open Access Week is a great opportunity for the academic and research community to discuss the benefits and challenges of Open Access, exchange new ideas with colleagues, and to inspire a wider public to make OA a new norm in science and research. Each year the OA Week has a guiding theme, which in 2023 was "Community over Commercialisation". This year’s theme continues the call to put “Community over Commercialization” and prioritize approaches to open scholarship that serve the best interests of the public and the academic community.

A number of Swiss universities and libraries have joined forces to put together a wide-ranging programme of online, hybrid and local events in different formats for the OA-Week in Switzerland this year.

The participating institutions are:

New events will constantly be added to the program. Please use the Hashtag #OAWEEKCH24 on social media.


24 Oct 2024
12:15  - 13:00


ETH Zürich

Public event

How to improve the metadata coverage and quality in open scholarly metadata databases for Open Access publications? (online)

Open scholarly metadata databases such as OpenAlex and OpenAIRE can be used to measure the progress of the implementation of Open Access (OA) in a country or in an institution. The coverage and quality of the publication metadata available…
24 Oct 2024
13:00  - 13:30


Geneva Graduate Institute

Public event

Creative Commons Licences (online)

CC BY, CC BY-NC-ND? Don't panic, it is simple! Creative Commons licences are used for open-access publishing, so it is important to understand how they work.
24 Oct 2024
13:00  - 13:15


Universität Bern

Public event

Coffee Lecture: Science Tracking: How major scientific publishers are expanding their business model (online)

24 Oct 2024
13:15  - 13:45


Universität Zürich

Public event

Coffee Lecture: Digitale Inhalte nachnutzen (online)

24 Oct 2024
13:30  - 16:00

Université de Lausanne

Public event

Workshop: Open Access en pratique

Le FNS, la CE et la stratégie nationale suisse sur l’Open Access exigent désormais que tous les résultats de recherche financés par des fonds publics soient publiés en mode Open Access. Êtes-vous prêt·e·s pour le défi? Cet atelier…
24 Oct 2024
15:30  - 16:30

PH Zürich, LAA-K021 (7. Stock)

Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz


Internes Netzwerktreffen

Das Netzwerk der Open-Access-Beauftragten an Pädagogischen Hochschulen (PH) und Fachhochschulen (FH) der Schweiz wurde 2020 gegründet und tauscht sich zwei- bis dreimal jährlich zu den wichtigsten Themen für die Umsetzung von Open Access…
24 Oct 2024
17:00  - 18:30


Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften

Public event

Podiumsdiskussion: Open Access in Switzerland: Are we reaching the GOALs?

The year 2024 marks a significant reference point in the Swiss Open Access (OA) landscape. By this time, all scholarly publications funded by public money were expected to be freely accessible on the internet, in accordance with the initial…
24 Oct 2024
17:15  - 18:45

Universität Luzern

Public event

Podiumsdiskussion: Publikationskultur im Wandel. Chancen und Risiken von Open Access am Beispiel der Rechtswissenschaften

Moderation: Monika Plozza, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Universität Luzern
25 Oct 2024
10:15  - 10:45


Université de Genève

Public event

Make the most of Archive ouverte: Save time by synchronising Archive ouverte and ORCID (online)

Archive ouverte UNIGE is the institutional repository on which all employees of the University of Geneva have been required to deposit a copy of their publications since 2008. The deposit interface, as well as the consultation interface, is…
25 Oct 2024
13:30  - 14:00


Geneva Graduate Institute

Public event

ORCID and co.: be visible! (online)

Discover ORCID, the unique identifier for researchers, and learn how to create your profile. Scopus ID and Google Scholar profiles are also introduced.

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